Version 1.0 Last Updated 25 Jun 2017 Approx 0.5 MB (zipped)
Someone asked me to create a simple day tracker for counting the number of days since an event or until an event
I thought I'd upload it here in case its of any use to anyone else
There's nothing at all 'fancy' about it.
However anyone unfamiliar with the syntax used for easily coding multiple repeated events may find this worth adapting for other purposes
For example:
Private Sub InitialiseForm()
'clear previous values
For I = 1 To 12
Me("lblDays" & I).Caption = ""
Me("lblDays" & I).Visible = False
'populate controls
For I = 1 To 6
Me("lblDate" & I) = Nz(DLookup("Event", "tblDaysFrom", "ID = " & I), "")
Me("txtDate" & I) = Nz(DLookup("StartDate", "tblDaysFrom", "ID = " & I), "")
dteDate = Nz(DLookup("StartDate", "tblDaysFrom", "ID = " & I), Date)
Me("lblDays" & I).Caption = Nz(DateDiff("d", dteDate, Date), 0)
If Me("lblDays" & I).Caption > 0 Then Me("lblDays" & I).Visible = True
For I = 7 To 12
Me("lblDate" & I) = Nz(DLookup("Event", "tblDaysTo", "ID = " & (I - 6)), "")
Me("txtDate" & I) = Nz(DLookup("EndDate", "tblDaysTo", "ID = " & (I - 6)), "")
dteDate = Nz(DLookup("EndDate", "tblDaysTo", "ID = " & (I - 6)), Date)
Me("lblDays" & I).Caption = Nz(DateDiff("d", Date, dteDate), 0)
If Me("lblDays" & I).Caption > 0 Then Me("lblDays" & I).Visible = True
End Sub
Click to download: Day Tracker (zipped)
Colin Riddington Mendip Data Systems Last Updated 25 Jun 2017