First Published 22 Nov 2022


A recent thread Shift+Enter Does Not Save the Current Record at Utter Access forum prompted me to write this article

It appears that several experienced developers, including myself, were not aware that Shift+Enter could be used to save the current record

Whilst I expect that all developers will know standard Windows shortcuts such as Ctrl+X (cut), Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste), there are several hundred Access keyboard shortcuts and, it is unlikely that any Access developer knows, let alone uses, all of them!

Here is a list of some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts that I do use regularly! I've included Shift+Enter though it appears to be not 100% reliable!

A plus sign (+) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys at the same time.

Where To do this Press
Access Workspace Go to the File menu Alt+F
Access Workspace Go to the Home tab Alt+H
Access Workspace Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. Shift+F10 or the Windows Menu key
Access Workspace Open a new database Ctrl+N
Access Workspace Open an existing database Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12
Access Workspace Save a database object Ctrl+S or Shift+F12
Access Workspace Open the Save As dialog F12 or Alt+F,S
Access Workspace Show or hide the Navigation Pane F11
Design view Show or hide a property sheet F4
Datasheet view Move to the next or previous field Tab key or Shift+Tab
Datasheets, forms & reports Open the Print dialog box Ctrl+P
Datasheet or Form View Open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box Ctrl+F
Datasheet or Form View Open the Replace tab in the Find and Replace dialog box Ctrl+H
Access Workspace Open the Help window F1
Access Workspace Quit Access Alt+F4
File menu Return to your database Esc
Access Workspace Close the active database window Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4
Access Workspace Toggle the Visual Basic Editor Alt+F11
Access Workspace Open the VBE Immediate window Ctrl+G
Access Workspace Show the program icon menu AKA the control menu Alt+Space
Text boxes, combo boxes, and list boxes Move to the start of the entry Home
Text boxes, combo boxes, and list boxes Move to the end of the entry End
Text boxes, combo boxes, and list boxes Open a zoom box Shift+F2
Navigation pane Rename a selected object F2
Navigation pane Open the selected object in Design View Ctrl+Enter
Form Design view Switch to Form View F5
Datasheet view Select all records Ctrl+A
Handling text Cut Ctrl+X
Handling text Copy Ctrl+C
Handling text Paste Ctrl+V
Handling text Delete all characters to the right of the insertion point Ctrl+Delete
Datasheet or Form view Insert the current date Ctrl+Semicolon (;)
Datasheet or Form view Insert the current time Ctrl+Shift+Colon (:)
Datasheet or Form view Copy the same field from the previous record (fill down) Ctrl+Apostrophe (')
Datasheet or Form view Add a new record Ctrl+Plus (+)
Datasheet Delete the current record Ctrl+Minus (-)
Datasheet or Form view Save the current record Shift+Enter
Datasheet or Form view Insert a new line in short/long text field Ctrl+Enter
Access workspace Copy screenshot of entire screen to clipboard Print Screen (PrtScn)
Access workspace Copy screenshot of active windowto clipboard Alt+ Print Screen (PrtScn)

How many of those did you know and use regularly?

Do let me know any important shortcuts you use that I have forgotten . . .
I expect I have left out some of the shortcuts that I do use regularly . . . and I am certain there are others I should be using to save time

A complete list of Access shortcuts is available at: Keyboard shortcuts for Access


Please use the contact form to let me know whether you found this article useful or if you have any comments.

Colin Riddington           Mendip Data Systems                 Last Updated 22 Nov 2022

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